There're 3 things that make me happy even though today in my Japanese course, I wasn't comfort because of me ==; Well, forget it.
1. Sakurai Takahiro
Sakurai dubbed in Natsume Yuujinchou season 3 in episode 3.
I was surprised when I saw it yesterday *O* I was so excited. He worked with Kamiya-san XD
Even though he got small character ^^;
This is the proof.
2. Natsume Yuujinchou
It will be made into season 4 LOL Huraaaay~~~
It's around next year, January ^o^
Proof : click this
3. Kuroshitsuji
Yana sensei drawn again for Kalafina's new album that is released today XD
You can read my translation in my page there
Is this beautiful,right? ^o^
1. Sakurai Takahiro
Sakurai dubbed in Natsume Yuujinchou season 3 in episode 3.
I was surprised when I saw it yesterday *O* I was so excited. He worked with Kamiya-san XD
Even though he got small character ^^;
This is the proof.
2. Natsume Yuujinchou
It will be made into season 4 LOL Huraaaay~~~
It's around next year, January ^o^
Proof : click this
3. Kuroshitsuji
Yana sensei drawn again for Kalafina's new album that is released today XD
You can read my translation in my page there
Is this beautiful,right? ^o^
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