After Eden is the third album of Kalafina.
1. "Eden"
2. "Sandpiper"
3. "Magia" (Puella Magi Madoka Magica ED)
4. "Kugatsu (九月 September?)"
5. "In Your Eyes"
6. "Destination Unknown"
7. "Neverending"
8. "Kotonoha (ことのは?)"
9. "Magnolia"
10. "Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa (輝く空の静寂には In the Silence of the Shining Sky?)" (Black Butler II Insert song)
11. "Mune no Yukue (胸の行方 Where the Heart Is?)"
12. "Snow falling"
13. "symphonia" (Rekishi Hiwa Historia II Ending theme)
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