Konbanwa, Minna-san ^__^
Huwaaah, I am really sorry for my late update. Even though I already was back in my city, but I have been really busy even though I was willing to update.
I am gonna face JLPT (Japanese-Language Proficiency Test) N5 next December for my 1st time, the course and shukudai frequently I get to improve our skills. Tomorrow is my 1st time to attend Japanese Table Manner that I am looking forward.
I am still on hiatus for subbing any anime/movie/stage ^_^; even though I am willing...Really.
To be fansubber, I must gather many supports because without that, we can't continue ^_^;
I can't depend on always to my Japanese friend because I don't want they think I am using them ^_^;
Demo ne~~~
I'll TRY. I am still thinking how to find the another way to solve my problem.
Gomenasai m(___)m
I'll update again as fast as soon
Huwaaah, I am really sorry for my late update. Even though I already was back in my city, but I have been really busy even though I was willing to update.
I am gonna face JLPT (Japanese-Language Proficiency Test) N5 next December for my 1st time, the course and shukudai frequently I get to improve our skills. Tomorrow is my 1st time to attend Japanese Table Manner that I am looking forward.
I am still on hiatus for subbing any anime/movie/stage ^_^; even though I am willing...Really.
To be fansubber, I must gather many supports because without that, we can't continue ^_^;
I can't depend on always to my Japanese friend because I don't want they think I am using them ^_^;
Demo ne~~~
I'll TRY. I am still thinking how to find the another way to solve my problem.
Gomenasai m(___)m
I'll update again as fast as soon
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