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Friday, April 8, 2011

TeniPuri's NEW OVA is coming summer 2011!

NEW OVA! To celebrate 10 years of Tenipuri a new OVA will be coming out this summer called "Another Story II~Ano Toki no Bokura~ (Us from that time) :

-First Ep: Birth of Captain Shiraishi Kuranosuke
Title speaks for itself XD
-2nd Ep: Seven Mysteries of Seishun Gakuen

I will translate the rest later~

1 comment:

  1. :x I just foud yous blog....and my first word wass a kyaaaaaa.....Im a big fan of PoT and this is a really great....no awesome notice >w<

    [N/A: sorry for my ban english .-.]


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