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Monday, April 18, 2011

British tennis [Decisive Castle Prince of Tennis Movie! Dispatch] (30 seconds)

Teni Puri is back with movie version. This time, Ryoma and his friends will have battle with British Tennis.

But like usual, Ryoma said something confidentially  W(`0`)W

へえ。。。面白 じゃん 
絶対 俺 は 勝つ だよ ね

Hmm...It looks interesting, you know.
For sure I will be the winner 

I agree with you, Ryoma (≥ v ≤)♪ I can't wait next September 03.  Minna, don't forget to watch it.


  1. Oh yes, I've heard about this.. But I thought it just a rumour, since there's so little info about this..

    When this movie will be released, nee-chan?

  2. @Arisa Yuuki...Well, maybe peoples forget about this and don't know about new info again ^^;;

    It will be aired September 03 :D

    Will you watch it? :)

  3. and where i can buy that new movie of prince of tennis :f :?

  4. @Anonymous...It hasn't been aired so this DVD isn't available :f It'll be released on September 03. I will update again if this DVD is out :)

  5. Will you be updating about the DVD release in this page itself? Or are you putting it on another page? I'm looking forward to it...

  6. Hi Atarashi no Sekainosa,

    Can I know if you will update about the DVD release in this page or another page?

  7. @Kenichi

    Hi, Kenichi sorry for my late reply. I'll update this DVD there if I already watch the OVA :D
    Just check again next month.

  8. @POTFan

    Yes, sure you can :D
    Check this page who knows I update again. Or you can subscribe my blog if you want :)

  9. Yes of course I'll watch it if it's already been aired.. This is movie right? I've heard about their going to made anothr OVA like the another story.. Is it true?

  10. @Arisa Yuuki

    Sorry for my late again. I guess I don't need to reply my answer again.I am sure you already watch it,right? :f

  11. where can i find the eng sub??? has it came out online yet??

    1. Sorry for my late reply. You can't find the sub anywhere. I and another fansubber group just finished subbing this, and I asked their permission to upload the sub in my video uploader but I haven't got their answer. You can visit my page again and who knows I bring good news about the sub :)


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