I changed some feature little. I removed background music. Because I put sample music that I uploaded.
I tried to change that song to not replay but it's hard ==;
I applied new comment feature and it removed many icons T_T sorry~
But It looks great with "reply" and "like" button, right? :D
Not only that you can sign with any ID to comment.
Maybe I will change the position of CBox later. It looks like peoples didn't realize @_@;
Okay...If you have suggestion about this blog, dozou ^.^v
Ooops...I am currently editing again. So, many things will change.
I tried to change that song to not replay but it's hard ==;
I applied new comment feature and it removed many icons T_T sorry~
But It looks great with "reply" and "like" button, right? :D
Not only that you can sign with any ID to comment.
Maybe I will change the position of CBox later. It looks like peoples didn't realize @_@;
Okay...If you have suggestion about this blog, dozou ^.^v
Ooops...I am currently editing again. So, many things will change.
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DO NOT write SPAM. Write code to show the emotions.(Sorry,because blogspot changed, emotions isn't work). Please write your nickname if you do not have LJ/Gmail/Blogspot's account when comment in my blog, not as Anonymous so I can reply fast.Pick "Name/URL" and you can leave "URL" if you do not have website.